sponsor zora
sponsor amel


Zora is a 4th grader living with his mom. His father left them for a new family. In his spare time when not in school, Zora has no choice but to walk long hours to help his mother collect trash to be sold.

Living in poverty does not stop Zora from dreaming to one day be a soccer player. Partner with Zora to continue his elementary schooling and send encouragement to him!

Cinta Sponsor A Child

MEET CINTA (Sponsored)

Her father has passed away from a work accident. Her mother, is a beneficiary of our microfinance program, and sells food to provide for Cinta. Somedays however she doesn’t have lunch money and have to skip lunches at school. However, this 11 year old has grown a love to shepherd others. She wants to be a helper wherever and whoever she can help. In our learning center, we see Cinta living up to that.

sponsor Kezia


Kezia, is tiny compared to her peers. She dreams to be a pastor one day and be a light to others.

Her parents knows Kezia never skips a day of school as she really loves learning. Let’s help Kezia pursue her education!



Devi sekarang menduduki kelas 6 SD. Ayah Devi sudah meninggal beberapa tahun yang lampau. Nafkah keluarga dikumpulkan oleh ibunya yang bekerja sebagai pemulung. Cita-cita Devi suatu hari nanti ingin menjadi koki yang handal.

MEET amel

Amel is a 6th grader living with her grandmother and younger brother. Both of her parents had passed away from tragedies. Not long after her father passed away from a work hazard, her mother got into a car accident.

Amel had no one else but his younger brother to take care for and her 67 years old grandmother who day-in and day-out look for trash just to keep them in school and have roof over their heads.

Sponsor Ratih


A 9 year old raised by her aging 50 year old parents who are trash collectors, Ratih manages to dream big. Her parents understand the value of education and they see her as their beacon of hope—wanting her to attain a college degree. Ratih, though still at a young age, knows she wants to be a doctor.


MEET ADI (Sponsored)

Ayah Adi bekerja sebagai buruh yang tidak tetap. Kedua orangtuanya harus bertanggungjawab atas 4 anak. Kata Adi, ia tidak malu harus bangun setiap pagi sebelum sekolah untuk membantu ibunya memulung dan setelah itu, pergi ke sekolah. Cita-cita Adi kelak ingin menjadi koki yang terkenal. 


Abdullah Al Ghoni lahir di tanggal 11 November 2011. Saat ini berada di kelas 2 SDN Tanjung Priok 04 Pagi, Ghoni rajin belajar di Rumah Bimbel kami setiap Sabtu. Pekerjaan ayah Ghoni adalah seorang buruh dan Ibundanya ialah Ibu rumah tangga. Ghoni bercita-cita menjadi seorang polisi ketika iya sudah besar.