Success Stories
1. Reaffirming Women's Worth
Living in an environment where luxury is far out of sight, we wanted to treat the hard-working women in Ancol with a hand massage and nail treatments so that they feel special.
A volunteer whose heart was touched recalled how one woman looked very uncomfortable and said: “you should not have done this; this is supposed to be my role!”. She looked up and saw the woman’s eye was teary and she was thanful. Our volunteers were humbled and the women we served experienced an affirmation of their worth through simple acts of service.
“Thank you for showing me Jesus’s love through washing my feet”
— A mother in Ancol.
2. Role modeling
One of the activities we did for our educational workshop was making something as creative as the kids can with only 3 items-- straws, a piece of paper, and a glue.
One of the result is a picture frame. They explained they made this because a picture frame shows memories from the past. The past will not change, however good or bad it was. But they will not be enslaved by the past, rather they will choose to look with hope for the future
The purpose of this game was to encourage them to persevere, even when what they have is so little, only 3 different items on their hands.
3. From our Volunteer
Savina Wibowo, Runner up Miss Indonesia 2015
1. What are memorable experience you've had while serving in Second Chance?
I am grateful to be given the chance to speak about how important education is and the power of having a dream. It's very touching how the children actually remember me and my name at my second visit at Ancol.
2. Is there something new you've learnt at Second Chance?
Yes, I can see how theses children has the eagerness and enthusiasm to learn which surprises me. Unfortunately, they have very limited resources and access for education.